Dear Ladies and Gentlemen.
Dear Friends.
The RMT team hopes you and your loved ones are all in good health and can cope with the difficulties arising because of the COVID-19 situation.
Although the university is closed, we keep moving from home and used some time to compile our first issue of the ROCK REPORT which we will publish quarterly. The report summarises latest research findings, ongoing projects, current collaboration partners and gives you insight into our daily life. Please enjoy reading it. We have added to each article the email address of the corresponding staff member. If you have questions, ideas or any other request, contact us. We are also looking forward to hear/read any feedback on our first issue.
On page 11 you will find a list of upcoming RMT events. Please save the dates. In particular, we want to highlight the HSSR-Workshop on November 27th, 2020. It's a mini-symposium on Hard Soil / Soft Rock material and on anisotropic behaviour. Contributions are still welcome. Please find an information flyer enclosed. We'd love to welcome you at TU Graz.
Please stay healthy.
We wish you nice Easter holidays.
All the best,
Thomas Marcher with the complete RMT team
Mr. Thomas MARCHER
Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing.
Head of the Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling
Authorized and Certified Court Expert Advisor
Graz University of Technology
Rechbauerstrasse 12
8010 Graz, Austria
P: +43 316 873 - 8614